After all the baby name picking, making pink stuff for the room and all of the super cute girl clothes that my mom has bought...I think we are having a BOY!!
Yesterday, one of my friends has a good friend that is the ultrasound tech at the hospital here. She is also one of my customers so we asked her if she would do an ultrasound for me to see what the baby is going to be. She told us to be up there at 3:45! I was excited but VERY nervous at the same time. The nervousness should have been the first sign that this wasn't going to be a GIRL. I laid down (already feeling like I could throw up) and she started. Immediately, she asked..."what do you want this to be?". Of course, I said "GIRL" because that's what I have be getting ready for this whole time. She turned around and wouldn't look at me! So that pretty much gave it away but the Leanna asked..."it's a BOY, isn't it?"
Yep! There HE was, legs spread wide open and his butt against the front of my stomach. I started feeling even more sick at this point. I guess mainly because we had been preparing for a girl and girl stuff is
sooo cute.
2 doctors GUESSED girl and the $40
Intelligender test said girl. I guess all 3 could be wrong! That's just my luck.
I called Jacob before I even got off the table and he was SUPER excited. My mom didn't believe me. Nana called before I got out of the room.
We decided that we wanted to compare the pics we had with other 16 week BOY ultrasound images on the
internet. So we went to Steve's and sure enough, they are pretty
convincing. They didn't look anything like the GIRL images that we saw.
I still have my 20 week
ultrasound on March 11
th at my doctors office and I think I will get more 3D images so I'm holding off on taking down all the pink stuff that I have made.
But...more than likely...we will have a Jake instead of