Jake Newton & Jaycie Lee Young

Jake Newton & Jaycie Lee Young
DOB 6/30/2010 and August 2011??

Friday, July 8, 2011

Update from doctor appt yesterday...

The doctor said that Jaycie is measured in the 93rd percentile and they believe that she already weighs about 5 1/2 pounds. I can believe it! I can feel her inside of me every time I sit down, I feel like I have a baby in my lap and I'm mashing her. I don't remember ever being able to Jake this much. So she said that if Jaycie doesn't come on her own before 38 weeks that she will induce labor. WoooHooo! I can handle 2 less weeks of being pregnant during the summer. That means that we could have a little girl here to spoil in 4 or 5 weeks! I hope we are ready for this. The doctor also said that babies gain about 1/2 a pound a week from this point on so in 4 or 5 weeks, she is expected to be about 7 1/2 or 8 pounds.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Hand-Foot-Mouth Virus!!

Saturday night after the party Jake, wouldn't go to sleep and just kept screaming bloody murder. Jacob and I thought maybe his stomach was upset from all the cake icing and he hadn't eaten or drank anything pretty much all day because he was to pre-occupied with everything else that was going on in the house. We kept offering him food and milk to see if that was his problem but nothing helped. He was up most of the night screaming! Sunday wasn't much better so I decided to take him to urgent doc here in town. I haven't been very happy with them in the past but we don't have many options in Livingston on the weekends so I took him anyways. Yes, it was 5:45 and they close at 6 but the doctor there was a complete jerk and made me feel like I was a horrible mother. He said that Jake had a "deep inner ear infection" and gave him a shot. CVS pharmacy was closed so getting the prescription filled wasn't an option. Jake stayed with his JuJu Sunday night so Jacob and I could get some rest and he didn't sleep much and still wouldn't eat or drink anything. I had talked to one of our friends whos son went to Urgent doc with the same symptoms and they said it was an ear infection and gave him a shot, she took him to our pediatrician the next day and he had ulcers in his mouth not an ear infection! So I decided that I better take Jake just to be sure. Sure enough, NO ear infection and he has ulcers on his tongue, top of his mouth and in his throat. They said it's called Hand Foot & Mouth virus and is common in children and passed through daycares in Summer/Fall. GREAT!! I felt like going to Urgent Doc just to let them know what I thought but...what good would that do?! Probably NONE! The pediatrician said to mix Maalox and Benadryl and put it in his mouth to help with the ulcers and it would also cure a sore throat if he ever got one. Who would have ever thought! I decided to sleep in Jakes room with him last night so Jacob could get some rest and he slept most of the night. Thank Goodness!!! Maybe we are on the road to recovery.

Jakes 1st Birthday Party!

We had Jake's 1st birthday party Saturday and it went great! I was worried that we wouldn't have room for everyone but we managed. We had 31 people there to celebrate with us! Jake had a blast and LOVED opening presents and eating his cake. Here are just a few pics...

Jake got so many gifts that he didn't know what to play with first. I'm packing up some old toys this week to put away for Jaycie. Then after eating his cake (or should I say icing), what better way to wash off all of the cake icing than to put him in his swimming pool! He enjoyed all of the attention being on him for the day. I still can't believe my baby will be 1 year old in two days.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Jaycie is STILL a GIRL!!

We went for our 31 week 3D ultrasound yesterday. I couldn't eat all morning without feeling like I was going to throw up, I guess because I was so nervous that they were going to tell me that it was another boy. So all I had eaten before our 2:30 dr appt was 1 kolache and 2 cheese sticks. We didn't get any ultrasound pictures but we got a video of the whole ultrasound. None of the images were that good but from what we could tell, she is DEFINITELY a GIRL and she appears to look exactly like Jake did. As long as she doesn't have his attitude and temper...I'm good with her looking like Jake! I do think he is pretty cute with bows in his hair. ;)

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

My unsuccessful attempt at photography!

Yesterday afternoon Jacob and I decided to take Jake outside to play because he LOVES being outside. It was only 100 degrees and I'm 7 months pregnant (fat) so why not?! Jake was all smiles until I got the camera out after him and tried to get some pictures.

Here is the best one that I got...

I told Jacob that Jake was opening his mouth every time I would take the picture and it looked like he was screaming, Jacobs response was "well that's him."

He was right!

Friday, June 17, 2011

My latest craft/sewing project!

Yes, I decided to TRY to sew again! Julie and the boys bought Jaycie the cutest dress the other day and it didn't look like it would be to hard to make so I went to Wal-Mart and bought some fabric. I read on the internet that "pillowcase" dresses take about 30 minutes to make so I decided I would start on it this morning at work. Needless to say...4 HOURS later, it's finally finished. They must have been talking about the amount of time it would take a professional to make one!!

Here is a picture of the one that Julie bought and then the one that I made...

I bought more fabric to make a red bandana dress but I'm over sewing for today!!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Jake LOVES his daddy!

Jacob and Jake play on the floor every afternoon when Jacob gets home from work. Jake loves his daddy!

I took a video of them yesterday and it also shows Jake walking.

I couldn't figure out how to post the video other than to put it on YouTube.


Never a dull moment around our house with these two guys!!

Jakes Playset

Thanks to JuJu and the boys, Jake has a new play set in our backyard. He loves being outside and the boys didn't ever play on it anymore so we moved it to our house for Jake.

PaPa Tim & NahNah came up this past weekend to replace some broken boards, get the monkey bars & swings attached and re-stain it for us. Thank goodness because it's to HOT outside for me!

Then Jacob painted the roof green to match our house and attached the ladders and slides.

Jake LOVES it!!

Thank you to everyone for your help!

Gluclose Test Results

The doctors office called yesterday afternoon and said that the results from my 3 hour test came back normal. Yea!! Good thing because I love CEREAL and not the healthy kind. Captain Crunch is my favorite when I'm pregnant. That's really about the only thing that I crave.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

3 Hour Glucose Test...Fun, Fun!!

Yesterday I had to be in The Woodlands at 8:30 am for my 3 hour glucose test. Jacob decided he would drive me because I didn't know how I would handle not being able to eat past midnight and then give blood 4 times. We got there at 8:30 and they took my first blood draw and gave me that WONDERFUL orange sugar drink. It actually tasted good this time, probably because I was starving and super thirsty. I don't think I have ever felt more hungry or thirsty than I did yesterday just because I knew that I couldn't have anything. Then the next 3 blood draws were at 9:30, 10:30 and 11:30, 2 times in each arm. I'm glad Jacob went with me because I wasn't able to leave the doctors office during the testing so it made time go by faster to have him there to talk to.

I will have the results in a day or two so I will keep everyone posted.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Jake is walking!!

Friday afternoon when we picked Jake up from daycare they told us that he had been walking everywhere. We went out to visit Christine and Kanin that evening and Jake loved playing with his friend. They "talked" non-stop to each other, stole each others toys, played hide-n-seek in Kanins tee-pee and walked. Jake was worn out when we left there!

He would only take about 6-7 steps and then realized that he could get what he wanted faster if he crawled so he would sit down.

As the weekend went on, Jake got more confident and now...we can't get away from him! If I'm in the kitchen, Jake is in the kitchen pulling at my pant leg! If one of us goes to the restroom, Jake is in the restroom with us!

He is growing up WAYYYYY to fast! I guess that could be a good thing since Jaycie will be here in 10 weeks if not less.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Glucose test results came back elevated

I don't think it's a big deal but the doctors office called and said that glucose screening test results came back at an elevated level, which means that I could have gestational diabetes. Only 4% of pregnant women get this. I didn't have it with Jake so I'm thinking I probably don't this time either but I have to go Monday morning at 8:30am to do a 3 hour test. This should give them more accurate results. I can't eat anything past midnight Sunday night, they will draw my blood as soon as I get there, then I have to drink that orange sugar drink, they will then draw my blood every hour for 3 hours. I can't leave the doctors office during the test. As most of you know, I don't do well with giving blood so giving blood 4 times in 3 hours without eating...probably not a good thing!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

It won't be long...

My little baby will be walking soon. I don't know if I'm excited or nervous! On one hand it makes me sad because he is growing up so fast but then on the other hand, he needs to be walking before Jaycie gets here. He started taking a step or two here and there about a week ago, until he realizes what he is doing and then he will sit down and start crawling. Yesterday when I walked into daycare, Ms. Amanda said that he took about 6-7 good steps to get from his toy to her rocking chair and then she said "Yea Jake!" and he sat down. Of course he wouldn't do it for us when we got home and wanted him to. Then at Gradens ball game last night he was playing on the ground with a ball and stood up and took about 2 steps and then fell but got back up and did it again. Maybe when he can walk and get to where he wants to be faster, it will get easier. We will see!!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Life with an 11 month old BOY!!

Saturday afternoon Jake was being horrible! I knew he didn't feel good because although it's normal for him to throw a fit, he was just acting like he didn't feel good. We came to realize that it was his tummy after he started passing A LOT of gas and then he would be happy for a little while again until more was building up. We fed him some of our steak at lunch and apparently the spices didn't sit well with his belly. Poor Baby! We finally got him settled down and in bed about 9:30pm and I thought surely he would be down for the evening, NOT...about 3:30am he woke up screaming. I waited about 10 minutes and he still wasn't back asleep so I made him a bottle, fed him and when I went to put him back in bed...I noticed, he didn't have on a diaper! What in the heck?! So I felt around in his bed and it was soaking wet and his diaper was on the floor. I guess he decided to take off his diaper and pee in his bed! How does an 11 month old think of this?!

Then last night (Sunday night), Jake was exhausted from swimming and playing at Papaws house all day and went to sleep about 5:30pm. How awesome!! I was tired also so about 8pm we went to bed.
10:30pm: Jake is up crying! Jacob wanted to go get him and I told him not to bring him in our room or he would be up all night wanting to play.
10:40pm: Jacob and Jake are standing beside our bed looking at me. I asked Jacob if he didn't hear me tell him NOT to bring him in our room and his response was..."he is just being so sweet!" Jake has learned to give kisses and hugs and he knows exactly when to do it to get his way.

In 11 months, Jake has NEVER slept in our bed until last night. Way to Go Daddy!!! We are going to have a monster that gives kisses to get his way.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

28 week dr appt

I had my 28 week check up this morning. As soon as I got there, they had me drink that awful Glucose Test orange drink in 5 minutes or less. What a wonderful breakfast!! I had to then wait an hour to have my blood drawn, so they did my normal check-up while I waited. Jaycie was wild, it took the nurse probably 5 minutes to get a good heart rate because she kept kicking and moving around (probably from the straight sugar drink that I just had to chug). Hopefully this isn't a sign that she will be as wild as Jake. I don't know if I can handle TWO wild monkeys!!

Her heart rate was 141 bpm. My blood pressure and measurements were normal. Unless any test results come back abnormal then I will go back in 3 weeks for my 3-D ultrasound (June 23rd). Then I start going every 2 weeks after that. We are getting closer!!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

And the Horrible Mom of the Year Award goes to...ME!!

Jake has been super fussy and whinny the past few days and likes to throw a fit when he doesn't get his way or we are trying to make him go to bed. I'm convinced that he is NOT going to have a temper when he grows up so I've started giving him pops on his bottom. He acts like his world is ended each time and it makes me feel horrible but...we gotta start sometime and I've been told that 11 months isn't to early! He probably can't even feel the pop but he knows he is in trouble and that alone makes him upset. He makes the most horrible face and then I just want to kiss him and make him feel better. This parenting stuff is WAY harder than I ever thought it would be!

Here is why I get the Award! This morning Jacob was playing with Jake and held him with his head hanging down and I saw that his first top tooth has broken through. Which probably explains the fussiness we have been going through. My poor baby hasn't been feeling good and I'm popping him for it! Things like this make me never want to spank him again until he can talk so I know if he is hurting or just being bad.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Jake & Luke, Wolfe Creek Park May 2011

Some friends of ours were camping at Wolfe Creek Park this past weekend and they have a son (Luke) that is 4 weeks older than Jake. Jake loves being outside and with other kids so Jacob and I decided this would be prefect. We could visit our friends and Jake could visit his!

Jake had a blast playing with Luke and Lanie. Here are a few pics!

Jake pushed that stroller around for a LONG time walking behind it. Maybe this means he will be walking soon! The stroller went to fast when we turned it right side up so we left him alone. He is in training for when Jaycie is here.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

26 Weeks & Counting!!

Less than 100 days until my due date! YEA!!!!

98 days (14 weeks) left to go. These are going to be some HOT and LONG 98 days but I don't know that I want Jaycie to come even a little bit early. I feel like I need to spend as much time with Jake as possible while I can.

He has started saying Bye-Bye and giving kisses. It's the cutest thing EVER!!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Pink Eye and now FEVER!

Last week Jakes eyes started watering a lot so I thought he had allergies because this is about the third time his eyes have been like this. Allergies alone would be horrible but then Saturday, Christine called and said Kanins eyes started draining just Jakes. They are in the same daycare room. She took Kanin to Urgent Doc and it was pink eye. Jakes eyes were still bad and the Allergy medicine wasn't helping so I decided I better get Jake looked at. Of course...his is pink eye also! GREAT!! No doubt, Jake probably gave it to Kanin since I thought it was just allergies. I have never had pink eye and his eyeball wasn't pink so I didn't have any idea that's what it could have been. The Dr. gave us some ointment to put in his eyes and his eyes looked normal this morning. I thought we were good to go. I took him to daycare and about 2 hours later got a call to come get him because he has FEVER. If it isn't one thing it's another!! The joys of parenting.

Jake as Jaycie!

Sneak peek at what Jaycie will probably look like! If Jaycie looks like her daddy, here is what we can expect when she is 10 months old. I'll have to take a picture of her at 10 months old to compare!

BTW--Jake hated the headband and kept ripping it off!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Our new schedule has me EXHAUSTED!!

Jake has decided that he wants to wake up at 4:30 every morning instead of 6am. I know it's only an hour and a half but it feels like I just get to bed when he wakes up. It wouldn't be so bad if he woke up for a bottle and went back to bed, but he is up wide awake and ready to play! We tried keeping him up later last night to see if it would help but instead all it did was make it later that I could get to bed also. He woke up at 4:40 this morning, ate his bottle and then wanted to play. We have GOT to figure out something different because I'm EXHAUSTED!!! Maybe more so because I have a cold along with the new morning schedule but something has to change.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Jakes 1st Swimming Pool!

We bought Jake a little swimming pool from Wal-Mart yesterday because he loves the bath tub but he gets a little wild in there. I figured it would give him something to do in the evenings after daycare besides sit inside like he does all day. He LOVES it!!

He only played in it for about 20 minutes but he was worn out. He slept from 6:15pm til 5am!! We might be swimming every evening from now on. ;)

Friday, May 6, 2011

Our SWEET little Angel!

I walked into daycare yesterday afternoon and the teacher said, "I have the cutest picture for you!" I was in total shock when she handed it to me. What a proud moment!!

They always tell me how sweet he is, I guess he decided to show the REAL Jake yesterday. They continued to tell me how sweet he is and that they wanted to take him home with them. OBVIOUSLY they weren't talking about the same kid as the one in this picture!!

Yall are all right, he does look and act exactly like his daddy!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

24 Week Dr Appt Results

So basically the nurse called me FAT! She was trying to find Jaycies heartbeat and she said "this baby has LOTS of room to move around and hide in there!" What a wonderful way to start off a morning. She eventually found the heartbeat among all the fat and it was 149 bpm. Faster than it has been but that's probably due to the donut holes and Dr. Pepper that I had for breakfast. Apparently those aren't good for her heartbeat or my weight!

Other than that, the appointment went well, they said everything looked and sounded normal and to come back in 4 weeks.

We are getting closer because they had me pre-register with the hospital this morning also! 16 more weeks until our little Princess is here!!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Jaycies Room Updates after Canton!!

I have loved going to Canton every time that I have been in the past but now knowing that I'm expecting a girl, this trip was so much more fun!! They have the cutest stuff ever for little girls. Here are some of the things that my mom and I bought this weekend and then also some updated pictures of the room with them in it.

Glitter J

Crystal Knobs

Pink Shag Rug


Feather Boa Cork board

Diaper Bag/Tote

Bow Hanger

Vinyl Wall Lettering "Angels danced the day you were born"

Room Update #1

Room Update #2 (with the curtains that I made last week)

Room Update #3

Room Update #4

Jakes 1st Easter Pics

Here are some of the pics from our 1st Easter with Jake at Nana & Pops house. I was a HORRIBLE mom and forgot to take pictures but luckily, Nana saved me!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Jaycies Room

Here are some updated pics of Jaycies room. It's coming along but I still have a lot to do!