Last week Roxie told me to go buy an IntelliGender (at home gender prediction test) so we could start planning the babys room. Sounded like a great idea until we looked online and they were $30. I could wait until my 20 week visit to find out instead of spending $30 on a test. Or...so I thought I could wait. Saturday my mom was out shopping again for the baby. I told her that we needed to quit buying stuff until we knew for sure if it was a boy or girl. Then I remembered about the IntelliGender test, so mom agreed that she would pay for it if we went and got it. CVS is the only place that sells it and it was $40!! We were super excited until we read the instructions...you have to take the test first thing in the morning or you can get false BOY results. I didn't want anything to say Boy so we had to wait. Good thing I read the instructions first because Jacob wanted me to go in the bathroom at CVS and do it so we could find out. He wanted it to say boy so bad. Poor Jake...he doesn't want to be the only boy in the house.
So I took the test this morning before he left for work. You have to follow the instructions and then leave it alone for 10 mins for the results to show up. That was a VERY long 10 mins. I just thought the 3 mins you have to wait on a pregnancy test was long. Jacob kept going in the bathroom and looking at it and telling me that it said it's a boy. HAHA...he thought he was hilarious. 10 mins passed and it showed GIRL! So now, 2 different doctors and the IntelliGender all say it's a girl so I'm starting to believe it. Hopefully all three of these things aren't wrong!
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