And then there is the Santa pic...our first picture of him with Santa and he looks ENORMOUS! My preemie baby seems to have caught up with a term baby on his weight.

Thursday, December 16, 2010
Jacob and I got our first Christmas card and ornament from Jake!
I'm well aware of the fact that my 5 month old baby didn't make this for us himself but we still loved it.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Christmas Parade 2010!
Jake was in his first Christmas Parade Saturday. He loved all the lights and actually stayed awake for the whole parade.
Here are a few pics.

Friday, December 10, 2010
Jakes 1st "school" Pictures!
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Santas Little Helper!
Nana & Pop bought Jake this cute "Santas Helper" outfit. Last night we were going to take him to "A night in Bethlehem" (a Christmas thing that our church has every year) and I thought it would be the perfect opportunity for him to wear it since it was 40 something degrees outside. He looked super cute but nobody got to see his outfit because he slept the entire time. We have taken him to the Polar Express train ride and Bethlehem and he slept through both of them. Not that I expect him to remember any of this but we will have pics and cute gifts from both to put in his baby book for his first Christmas. Jacob thinks I'm crazy because I wrapped Jakes Christmas presents and put them under our tree. I want him to have pics by the tree & presents on Christmas morning even if we have to open the presents for him.
Friday, December 3, 2010
Thank you Jacob for passing on your ears to our son!!
So last night Trace was over at our house for a little while and we were sitting on the floor playing with Jake and he informed me that Jake should be an elf for Christmas.
Trace: Alisha, Jake should be an elf for Christmas.
Me: Huh?
Trace: He wouldn't have to dress up because his ears already look like elf ears...see!
Me: (laughing) that wasn't very nice
Trace: Well, just look right here, they stick out a little bit.
So cute but my baby looks more and more like his daddy everyday. I tried!!
Trace: Alisha, Jake should be an elf for Christmas.
Me: Huh?
Trace: He wouldn't have to dress up because his ears already look like elf ears...see!
Me: (laughing) that wasn't very nice
Trace: Well, just look right here, they stick out a little bit.
So cute but my baby looks more and more like his daddy everyday. I tried!!
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
I'm BACK!!!
I bet yall never thought you would see this blog updated again! I logged on today and saw the picture of him and thought I should start updating the blog again since we have gotten into a routine and things aren't so crazy anymore.
So many things have changed since the last time I wrote on this blog...I don't know where to start. I STILL have the cutest baby EVER so that hasn't changed but just about everything else has. He laughs, talks NON-STOP (or at least he thinks he is talking), loves his mommy to hold him, sleeps almost all night, weighs about 15.5 pounds and rolls over when he wants to. He doesn't roll very much when I'm around because he wants me to hold him but he rolls at daycare and for his Aunt JuJu and the boys.
Here are just a few pics of my sweetie pie.

Taken the weekend before Thanksgiving

Taken at 2 1/2 months old

Trace & Jake on our camping trip in Rusk.
Taken the weekend after Thanksgiving

Jake & NaNah in his new cowboy hat. Taken October 16th.

Another pic taken at 2 1/2 months

Cowboy outfit for Baskins Costume contest.

Jacob and Jake, 1st horse ride!

Jake in his Santa hat from Graden & Trace. He doesn't look to excited about it but oh well...that's what makes this age so fun because he doesn't have a choice yet!
So many things have changed since the last time I wrote on this blog...I don't know where to start. I STILL have the cutest baby EVER so that hasn't changed but just about everything else has. He laughs, talks NON-STOP (or at least he thinks he is talking), loves his mommy to hold him, sleeps almost all night, weighs about 15.5 pounds and rolls over when he wants to. He doesn't roll very much when I'm around because he wants me to hold him but he rolls at daycare and for his Aunt JuJu and the boys.
Here are just a few pics of my sweetie pie.
Taken the weekend before Thanksgiving
Taken at 2 1/2 months old

Trace & Jake on our camping trip in Rusk.
Taken the weekend after Thanksgiving
Jake & NaNah in his new cowboy hat. Taken October 16th.
Another pic taken at 2 1/2 months

Cowboy outfit for Baskins Costume contest.
Jacob and Jake, 1st horse ride!
Jake in his Santa hat from Graden & Trace. He doesn't look to excited about it but oh well...that's what makes this age so fun because he doesn't have a choice yet!
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Who has the cutest cowboy in the world?? I DO!!!
Jake had his first photo shoot yesterday! Roxie came over and took these pics of him on his 1 week old birthday.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Jake Newton Young is HERE!!!
Our cute little baby boy decided that it was time to join this world on June 30th instead July 31st! He was a month early but is still healthy and doing great. He weighed 6 lbs and 18 inches long. Last night was our first night home and he woke up like clock work every 3 hours to be fed and changed then back to sleep. I can handle that schedule! Of course Jacob and I think he is the cutest baby in the world. I will have some pics posted maybe tomorrow. Time to go feed this cute baby!
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Update from Dr Appt this morning
Again, nothing exciting! She said that everything looks normal and for me to come back in 2 weeks (July 8th) unless something major changes. Normally they have people start coming every week now but since it takes an hour and 15 mins to get there, they are going to keep me on 2 weeks for now. I asked about being induced and she said that "the baby needs to cook until at least 38 weeks". So I asked if that meant that we could be induced at 38 weeks and she said she we would see at my next appt. So we for sure have 5 weeks until our due date but possibly could have Jake in about 3 weeks instead. At this point, 3 weeks seems like FOREVER and 5 weeks doesn't sound fair AT ALL!!
Friday, June 18, 2010
40 days to go!! Hopefully less
I'm now to the point of being UNCOMFORTABLE!! Until now, I never understood why Roxie wanted to figure out a way to make herself go into labor. Bending over in the shower this morning was almost impossible. I had to turn the water on only cold because I was about to hyperventilate and I felt like Jake was coming out of my throat. I asked Jacob to shave my legs for me and he thought I was joking. So... I guess my legs are going to look like a mans by the time this kid gets here.
Then I had the bright idea that I needed to repaint my toe nails. Lets just say, Trace could have done a WAY better job than I did!
And my bladder has decided to start getting me ready for when Jake is here. I'm having to get up every couple of hours during the night to use the restroom. Just hopping out of bed doesn't happen either! It looks like a beach whale suck on shore trying to roll around to make it back to the water. Good thing Jacob is a hard sleeper and it's dark in the room or he might be scared by the beast in bed with him.
BUT, only 40 days left and hopefully we won't have to wait that long! It will all be worth it when we see his cute face.
Then I had the bright idea that I needed to repaint my toe nails. Lets just say, Trace could have done a WAY better job than I did!
And my bladder has decided to start getting me ready for when Jake is here. I'm having to get up every couple of hours during the night to use the restroom. Just hopping out of bed doesn't happen either! It looks like a beach whale suck on shore trying to roll around to make it back to the water. Good thing Jacob is a hard sleeper and it's dark in the room or he might be scared by the beast in bed with him.
BUT, only 40 days left and hopefully we won't have to wait that long! It will all be worth it when we see his cute face.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Update from Dr Appt yesterday
Well it sounds like we are going to have a BIG baby boy. She said that he weighs about 5 lbs. 8 ozs. already and she guesses he will be at least an 8 lb baby. Not really surprising since Jacob weighed 9 something when he was born. But she measured his head and it shows to be the size of a baby at 35 wks and 5 days. That's almost 3 weeks more than we are!! His head better quit growing or a C-Section is sounding better and better! We got some good 4d video clips of him on the DVD that she gave us so I downloaded some on for yall to view. He looks like he is a CHUNK but cute like his MOM. :)
Thursday, June 3, 2010
26 Week Bump Compared to 31 Week Bump!
I'm just now getting to the point that bending over to put on shoes or pick things up off the floor are getting VERY hard to do. So I feel like I'm getting huge but comparing these pics from 26 weeks and 31 weeks, it doesn't look that different.
1. Pic with Jacob is at 26 weeks
2. Second pic is from this past weekend at 31 weeks
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Indigestion, Indigestion and MORE Indigestion!!!
If it's true that if you have indigestion while you are pregnant your baby will have lots of hair, then I MUST be having a GORILLA instead of a baby!! This is the worst part of my pregnancy by far up to this point. If I'm not waking up in the middle of the night to go use the restroom then it's because of indigestion. Only about 8 more weeks so I guess I can tough it out for a little bit longer. Not that I really have a choice!
Our next doctors appt is next Wednesday, June 10th and we will have our 4d ultrasound to see what he looks like. Maybe they will be able to tell me if he has lots of hair!!
Our next doctors appt is next Wednesday, June 10th and we will have our 4d ultrasound to see what he looks like. Maybe they will be able to tell me if he has lots of hair!!
Monday, May 24, 2010
Jacob isn't crazy after all...

Jacob has been saying that he saw these things called Tee-Tee Tee Pee's that we need for changing Jakes diapers so we don't get peed on. Well, I thought he was crazy because I have never heard of them, but guess mom found them on the internet!
Here is what the website says...
"Changing diapers is not a glamorous job, but changing a boy's diapers is like going into battle. It's all about precision, timing and technique. With our Pee-Pee Tee Pee's; diaper changes are less stressful. Simply position the Pee-Pee Tee Pee in place and breathe a sigh of relief as it catches the urine and you come out dry and unscathed."
Saturday was a WONDERFUL day!
Saturday morning Jacob and I were just laying around being lazy and all of a sudden baby Jake decided it was time to wake up. He started kicking me and moving around the most that I have ever felt so I told Jacob to feel. Normally when I tell Jacob to come feel, Jake stops kicking or moving and Jacob thinks I'm crazy but not this time. Jacob couldn't believe how much he was moving around. Times like that make it some much more "real" when someone else can feel him moving and not just me anymore. I can't wait for him to be here! I think Jacob is going to be a wonderful daddy.
1. Baby Jakes cake
Then we had my baby shower Saturday afternoon. I couldn't believe all of the wonderful unique gifts that we received. Jacob and I won't be able to have any more kids because baby Jake is taking up his room and our guest bedroom with all of his stuff already and he isn't even here yet! I will have to change his clothes 10 times a day for him to be able to wear all of the outfits that he received. I don't have many pics but I will post some as people send them to me.
Thank you everyone that helped with the shower. Jacob and I really appreciate everything that you guys did to make it so special!
1. Baby Jakes cake
2. SOME of the shower gifts
3. Our FULL guest bedroom after the shower!
Friday, May 14, 2010
Huggies Limited Edition Diapers!!
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Not only do I have the cutest nephews in the world but the sweetest ones too!!
Neta called us last night to make sure we were planning on coming to the baseball games because "my favorite red headed nephew had a surprise for me." All I could think was, what in the world had he come up with now?! He is the funniest kid I have ever been around and the best part is that he doesn't even know that he is so funny. I love spending time with him because you NEVER know what to expect. You can listen to him talk or just sit back and watch him and you are sure to be entertained, from the crazy stories that he comes up with all the way to him walking like a chicken just because...where does he come up with this stuff?
So anyways...Jacob and I got to the game last night and he was already in the dug out because we were late. I went over to get my surprise from him and he had drawn me the cutest picture of me and baby Jake. He told me that I could put it in baby Jakes baby book. I guess I better get him a baby book before I get in trouble next time Trace comes over!
The picture is hard to see but it's a drawing of me with baby Jake inside my stomach. He told Boodie that he had to draw a backwards 5 to make the big belly.
Monday, May 10, 2010
Mothers Day!
I have the best husband and mom in the world! I really didn't expect anything for mothers day since Jake isn't here this year but Jacob got me a Mary Kay Satin Hands gift set from him and Jake with a very sweet card, my mom got me a necklace from Jake, and Neta got me some Pampered Chef scissors that I have been wanting. My mom came down Saturday afternoon to stay the night with us. We had to best time just doing girl stuff and hanging out. She cooked us the BEST Chicken and Dumplings, we went and got pedicures, watched a movie and then woke up Sunday morning and put together the covered wagon that she bought baby Jake. Oh, and of course she had to bring him some more clothes. Look at the cutest shoes I have ever seen!!
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
I had my 28 week check up and glucose test today.
Only 12 more weeks to go!! It seems like time has flown by.
My check up this morning went well, nothing to exciting. His heartbeat was 144 beats per minute. The doctor said that my measurement and blood pressure were perfect. So just another check up in 3 weeks unless the glucose test comes back abnormal. She will have those results in 3-4 days and I'll know if I have to have the 3 hour test done. HOPEFULLY NOT!!
My check up this morning went well, nothing to exciting. His heartbeat was 144 beats per minute. The doctor said that my measurement and blood pressure were perfect. So just another check up in 3 weeks unless the glucose test comes back abnormal. She will have those results in 3-4 days and I'll know if I have to have the 3 hour test done. HOPEFULLY NOT!!
Friday, April 30, 2010
We have some more ultrasound pics!!
Jacob and I got our friend to do another ultrasound for us this week so we could get some more pics of baby Jake. It's a long time between 19 and 32 weeks! I'm so glad that we did because he was yawning and moving around a lot while she was taking the pics. To see him yawning and moving his eyes made it seem "real" to me. Not that him kicking me ALL NIGHT hasn't seemed real but it was different seeing him doing those "normal" human things.
Oh and she told us that he weighs 2 lbs 11 ozs already and that she thinks my due date should be around July 23rd instead of July 31st. I can handle that!! My pregnancy week by week book says that he should still be just under 2 lbs. Sounds like he will be a big baby. However, I have heard that the weight estimates from ultrasounds can be off by about a pound. So we will just have to wait and see.
Here are some of the pics that we have to really look at some of them.
1. Front view of his face and what she guesses his weight is
2. Side Profile
3. Front view of lips and nose
4. Pic of him yawning
Friday, April 23, 2010
He THINKS I'm big now...I have 14 more weeks of growing to do!
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Who would have ever thought a 5 year old could teach you so much!
I have the cutest nephews ever! Last night Jacob and I watched our nephew Trace for a couple of hours and he had us entertained the whole time. He is very fascinated by my pregnancy. He is always asking me questions about "baby Jake" and if he is kicking me hard, how it feels and things like that. Trace and I ran to Wal-Mart to get a couple things and he asked me on the way in if I knew that A LOT of water was going to come out before baby Jake was ready to come out. Next while we were checking out be told me to be careful because my belly was about to hit the counter while I was paying. Wow, am I really that big already? Then on the way home, he was really quite (VERY unusual) and then he said..."Alisha, don't be scared and cry when Jake comes out because he is going to be naked and have blood ALL over him." Of course I had to act like that was all news to me and the conversion continued about that most of the way home. We made Jacob dinner but Trace and I decided that we just wanted cereal, so I was walking around the island in our kitchen making our bowls of cereal and he said, "you better be careful because that table will pop your belly." At this point I couldn't help but laugh. He was talking about our island because it has a square top on it with pointed corners.
Who would have ever thought I could learn so much from my 5 year old nephew about having a baby in just a couple of hours! Julie, thanks for the evening of entertainment. We enjoyed having him over!
Who would have ever thought I could learn so much from my 5 year old nephew about having a baby in just a couple of hours! Julie, thanks for the evening of entertainment. We enjoyed having him over!
Friday, April 16, 2010
Sorry for the delay in posting the pics...
Here are some of the other pics that I said I would post and haven't.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
We are in TROUBLE!!
Last night we were watching TV and I asked Jacob if he wanted to watch Minute to Win It or the birthing show. He picked the birthing show...HUGE mistake! He couldn't even watch most of it and then VERY seriously said, "Well babe, there are going to be two sounds coming from that room, one will be me hitting the floor and the other will be the baby crying."
Doesn't sound like he will be much help!!
Doesn't sound like he will be much help!!
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
25 weeks!! Only 105 more days to go...

25 weeks down and 15 more to go! says that baby Jake should be about 13 1/2 inches long and about 1.5 pounds this week. It also says that he will start gaining weight from this point forward as most of his organs are developed now.
Here is a picture of what shows that he should look like this week. Don't look at the picture of the mother, I only WISH my butt looked that small!
Monday, April 12, 2010
Jake's Coming Home Outfit
Holy Cow...It's NOT a good idea for pregnant women to watch TLC shows!
This morning while I was getting ready for work, I saw a show called The Baby Story... on TLC. So I thought "wow, that should be interesting". The caption said that it showed first time parents going through the pregnancy process, then birth and then the first week home. All I did was cry the rest of the time that I was getting ready!! Maybe they were pregnancy emotions but unless some miracle happens, I don't have a clue how I'm going to give birth. That was the most painful, awful, grossest thing that I have EVER witnessed. I wanted to pass out just thinking about it so I'm quite sure that on our big day...I'm gonna have some problems. The poor girl was in labor for 26 HOURS...that just isn't right. Labor for 26 hours and then they went home the next day, and the baby cried, cried, cried and cried some more.
Needless to say, I was worried about all of this before and now...after watching that show, I'm terrified!! I set the DVR to record some more of that series but I think I should just erase that timer. I don't know if I can handle anymore of that!
Needless to say, I was worried about all of this before and now...after watching that show, I'm terrified!! I set the DVR to record some more of that series but I think I should just erase that timer. I don't know if I can handle anymore of that!
Monday, April 5, 2010
Jake's Stroller, Car Seat & Play Yard are here!
My dad ordered Jakes stroller, car seat and play yard for us and it's here already! Three less things that we will be needing. Problem, we still have a while until Jake gets here. I'm ready & his room is ready so he needs to hurry!
Doctors appt went well this morning. His heartbeat was 150 beats per minute. Took my blood pressure and weight :( and told me to come back in 4 weeks. After that visit I'll already start going every 2 weeks instead of every 4 weeks. That means it's getting closer...Yea!!
Thursday, April 1, 2010
This week has been an active one for baby Jake!
This is really this first week that I have felt baby Jake kick and move around a lot. He is pretty active in the mornings when I first wake up and get out of bed. I can handle this schedule as long as he continues to wait until I wake up and doesn't decide to keep me up already. We will have plenty of that in a few months! 118 more days. Time so far is going by pretty fast, maybe it will stay this way and Jake will be here in no time. We have things planned for almost every weekend between now and May so maybe time will fly by.
This weekend is Easter, and guess what...Jake already has an Easter basket. Of course my mom saw "the cutest Easter basket ever" and Jake HAD to have it. I'll have to take a picture of it this weekend and post it Monday. I have to admit, it is VERY cute! Another doctors appt Monday at 9:45am so I will let yall know what or if I find out anything.
This weekend is Easter, and guess what...Jake already has an Easter basket. Of course my mom saw "the cutest Easter basket ever" and Jake HAD to have it. I'll have to take a picture of it this weekend and post it Monday. I have to admit, it is VERY cute! Another doctors appt Monday at 9:45am so I will let yall know what or if I find out anything.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Jake's crib bedding

This is the crib bedding that we bought. My mom got it on ebay for only $72 for the whole 13 piece set.
The only thing in the picture that it didn't come with is the mobile and wall border.
It matches the furniture & rugs that Julie gave us perfect!
Watch him not even like cowboy stuff! That would be our luck.
My mom is STILL buying more clothes!
By time Jake gets here, he is going to need a bigger closet already. I told my mom to stop buying clothes but she can't help it. She calls me now and says, it's someone else's fault that she went shopping and bought more outfits for the baby.
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