Friday, July 8, 2011
Update from doctor appt yesterday...
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Hand-Foot-Mouth Virus!!
Jakes 1st Birthday Party!
Friday, June 24, 2011
Jaycie is STILL a GIRL!!
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
My unsuccessful attempt at photography!
Here is the best one that I got...

I told Jacob that Jake was opening his mouth every time I would take the picture and it looked like he was screaming, Jacobs response was "well that's him."
He was right!
Friday, June 17, 2011
My latest craft/sewing project!
I bought more fabric to make a red bandana dress but I'm over sewing for today!!
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Jake LOVES his daddy!
I took a video of them yesterday and it also shows Jake walking.
I couldn't figure out how to post the video other than to put it on YouTube.
Never a dull moment around our house with these two guys!!
Jakes Playset

Gluclose Test Results
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
3 Hour Glucose Test...Fun, Fun!!
I will have the results in a day or two so I will keep everyone posted.
Monday, June 13, 2011
Jake is walking!!
He would only take about 6-7 steps and then realized that he could get what he wanted faster if he crawled so he would sit down.
As the weekend went on, Jake got more confident and now...we can't get away from him! If I'm in the kitchen, Jake is in the kitchen pulling at my pant leg! If one of us goes to the restroom, Jake is in the restroom with us!
He is growing up WAYYYYY to fast! I guess that could be a good thing since Jaycie will be here in 10 weeks if not less.
Friday, June 10, 2011
Glucose test results came back elevated
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
It won't be long...
Monday, June 6, 2011
Life with an 11 month old BOY!!
Then last night (Sunday night), Jake was exhausted from swimming and playing at Papaws house all day and went to sleep about 5:30pm. How awesome!! I was tired also so about 8pm we went to bed.
10:30pm: Jake is up crying! Jacob wanted to go get him and I told him not to bring him in our room or he would be up all night wanting to play.
10:40pm: Jacob and Jake are standing beside our bed looking at me. I asked Jacob if he didn't hear me tell him NOT to bring him in our room and his response was..."he is just being so sweet!" Jake has learned to give kisses and hugs and he knows exactly when to do it to get his way.
In 11 months, Jake has NEVER slept in our bed until last night. Way to Go Daddy!!! We are going to have a monster that gives kisses to get his way.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
28 week dr appt
Her heart rate was 141 bpm. My blood pressure and measurements were normal. Unless any test results come back abnormal then I will go back in 3 weeks for my 3-D ultrasound (June 23rd). Then I start going every 2 weeks after that. We are getting closer!!
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
And the Horrible Mom of the Year Award goes to...ME!!
Here is why I get the Award! This morning Jacob was playing with Jake and held him with his head hanging down and I saw that his first top tooth has broken through. Which probably explains the fussiness we have been going through. My poor baby hasn't been feeling good and I'm popping him for it! Things like this make me never want to spank him again until he can talk so I know if he is hurting or just being bad.
Friday, May 20, 2011
Jake & Luke, Wolfe Creek Park May 2011

Jake pushed that stroller around for a LONG time walking behind it. Maybe this means he will be walking soon! The stroller went to fast when we turned it right side up so we left him alone. He is in training for when Jaycie is here.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
26 Weeks & Counting!!
98 days (14 weeks) left to go. These are going to be some HOT and LONG 98 days but I don't know that I want Jaycie to come even a little bit early. I feel like I need to spend as much time with Jake as possible while I can.
He has started saying Bye-Bye and giving kisses. It's the cutest thing EVER!!
Monday, May 16, 2011
Pink Eye and now FEVER!
Jake as Jaycie!
BTW--Jake hated the headband and kept ripping it off!
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Our new schedule has me EXHAUSTED!!
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Jakes 1st Swimming Pool!
He only played in it for about 20 minutes but he was worn out. He slept from 6:15pm til 5am!! We might be swimming every evening from now on. ;)
Friday, May 6, 2011
Our SWEET little Angel!

They always tell me how sweet he is, I guess he decided to show the REAL Jake yesterday. They continued to tell me how sweet he is and that they wanted to take him home with them. OBVIOUSLY they weren't talking about the same kid as the one in this picture!!
Yall are all right, he does look and act exactly like his daddy!
Thursday, May 5, 2011
24 Week Dr Appt Results
Other than that, the appointment went well, they said everything looked and sounded normal and to come back in 4 weeks.
We are getting closer because they had me pre-register with the hospital this morning also! 16 more weeks until our little Princess is here!!
Monday, May 2, 2011
Jaycies Room Updates after Canton!!
Jakes 1st Easter Pics

Thursday, April 28, 2011
Jaycies Room